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3 - General System Settings
3.1 - Main Corporation Info & Settings
3.2 - Locations
3.3 - Sales Tax Settings
3.4 - Payroll Tax Settings
3.5 - Departments (tied to payroll)
3.6 - Assigning Employees to Departments
3.7 - Timecards (clock in/out)
3.8 - Master Time Templates (calendar & scheduling)
3.9 - Flex Grid Tie-Ins (custom data fields)

3 - General System Settings
3.1 - Main Corporation Info
& Settings
  A corporation inside of adilas is a business entity. It could be an actual corporation, a company, a partnership, an LLC, a group, a home-based business, a mom and pop shop, etc. The word corporation is a general term that may be changed as needed. Each corporation inside of adilas is setup in a virtual fenced off area where data may be stored, organized, stacked, and archived. Only users assigned to that corporation will have access to that data. Think about a bank... It has tons of customer, tons of accounts, tons of loans, tons of safe deposit boxes. However, each bank customer is only allowed to play in or interact with his/her accounts or features. The same is true with adilas. Each company or corporation has its own invoices, its own deposits, its own PO's, its own inventory, its own customers, etc. What we do is virtually create a "fenced off area" called a corporation for your data and your business setup. This is where the corporation or corp-wide settings come in to play.

Each corporation has a number of corp-wide settings that allow for customization and industry specific flow and terminology. For example, some companies have customers and sell parts. Other companies have patients and sell items or services. Other companies may have clients and sell widgets or products. A company may have stores, locations, clinics, job sites, etc. Hopefully you can see where this is going... What we do inside of adilas is allow you to name the standard tools (system players or features) and then allow you to use those standard tools to match your business needs. This becomes a flexible and wide foundation on which to setup your business.

It is beyond the scope of this introduction to explain each and every corp-wide setting and what it does. Our goal is let you know that setting up the corp-wide settings is one of the first steps in the setup process. Each setting inside of adilas has one or more fields where the values go and a detailed description of what each settings does or where it shows up. Additionally, there is a special help file for that page that explains each setting even further if more information is needed.

We recommend that you take a look at the settings... take your time... plan out your needs... even use paper if needed... and then physically apply or save those settings. We then recommend that you go to that section, inside of adilas where the changes apply, and make sure that the settings are doing what they should be doing. Ideally, these tweaks should be done before you let your users in to the system. Most of the settings may be changed at any time, but the more standard you make it... especially from the get go... the easier time you and your users will have in making the transition to the adilas business platform. By way of a note, the corp-wide settings may not all apply to your business needs. Feel free to pick and choose at will. They, the settings page, is also permissioned so that only top level admin users have access to those settings. Please note that a single change in the corp-wide settings page may affect potentially hundreds of different pages inside of the main adilas system. If for some reason a new setting is saved and one or more users can't see those new changes... they (the other users) may need to logout and then back in to see the changes. Certain settings are stored per session or per login (this saves us time in looking up common defaults and settings).

The corp-wide settings may be found in the upper right hand corner.
To find the corp-wide settings using the interactive map... look for the "settings" button (top right corner ish). In the classic web edition (drop-down menus), go to "system management" and then to "manage corp info and permissions". Once on that page, you will have options to deal with the main corporation information (name, address, email, logo, & colors) or to manage the corp-wide settings (special naming conventions, system settings, default value, options, etc.). Once again, plan it out, use paper if needed, and then apply the settings. This is one of the first steps in setting up a corporation inside of adilas.
Each corporation inside of adilas is its own fenced in area. Corp-wide settings allow for custom usage of the adilas business platform.
3.2 - Locations   A location in the adilas system is a fundamental piece. Every corporation needs to have at least one location. The actual location could be a virtual location or a real brick and mortar location. The word location is a corp-wide setting which means it may be changed to fit your needs (store, shop, clinic, job site, home/office, department, cost center, etc.).

In the smallest of business models, the use of a location may seem somewhat redundant (corp vs. location). However, in order to grow and provide the most dynamic platform possible, the ability to have multiple locations is incredibly important. As a bit of history, when adilas was first being developed, its primary test beds were corporations with multiple locations per corporation. These test beds needed to track sales, inventory levels, expenses, and tons of other pieces on a per location basis. Hence, the usage of a location as part of the main application has been designed and integrated through the whole system. If truth be known, the ability to handle multiple locations is one of adilas strongest points or features. The different locations may be and are tied to virtually everything in the system. This could be inventory levels, expenses, tax settings, invoice sales, taxes withheld, departments (users and payroll), payables (who do we owe), receivables (who owes us), etc. The system is also setup to allow sharing and inter location transactions for certain sections and/or features.

In a virtual way, the adilas business platform becomes scalable according to how many locations each corporation has. Once again, only one location is required per corporation (as a minimum). To illustrate this concept, imagine a building with a single floor... it could have any pieces that you want as long as all of the pieces are contained on a single floor (for this analogy). What would happen if you were to add another layer on top of that base level? What if you created a second floor of the building? What would happen? Virtually, you could duplicate the exact layout of the bottom layer (or just certain sections of it) and get a very scalable model. Inside of adilas, that's what we do with multiple locations. We virtually stack layers on top of layers to fit each business and what their needs are.

On the tech support side of things... there are two location related subjects that we get asked about. One is, how do I change the address information on my invoices, quotes, and purchase orders? The answer is, they (meaning the address info) are controlled by the location settings. The other tech support question for locations deals with changes to sales tax percentages. These settings (sales tax percentages and assignments) are tied at the hip with the locations. More information later on about sales tax settings (see tax settings below).

The location(s) and tax settings are the base support for all actions in the system.

To find the location homepage using the interactive map... look towards the bottom of the map. The location homepage may also be found using the classic web edition (drop-down menus), by going to "system maintenance" and then to the "location homepage". As a reminder, the word location may be changed to a different value (dynamic corp-wide setting). As some additional information, the location and tax settings button is purposely located at the bottom of the map for a reason. Almost every action within the system is built on or supported by a location-related action of some sort. Having the locations on the bottom implies that the whole application is supported by or founded on the location(s) and what they represent.
The whole adilas.biz platform will scale as locations are added. A location is tied to almost every transaction inside the system.
3.3 - Sales Tax Settings   text goes here...

The sales tax settings are a sub of the location(s) within the adilas site. The locations and tax settings are the base support for all actions in the system.

Imagine the process of water turning into ice. The water droplets are very loose at first (operations) and slowly become crystals, then slush, and finally becoming completely frozen or ice (final numbers or accounting).
3.4 - Payroll Tax Settings   text goes here...  
Allowing operations to lead is a huge key. It is like letting a horse lead a cart instead of the other way around.
3.5 - Departments
(tied to payroll)
  text goes here...  
The adilas.biz zipper analogy - Bring operations and accounting together one cog at a time, like a zipper being pulled upwards until it comes together.
3.6 - Assigning Employees
to Departments
  text goes here...  
Think of the system like a bird's eye view looking down on the data stream. You are able to watch the show from up high, ground level, or actually diving into the details.
3.7 - Timecards (clock in/out)   text goes here...    
3.8 - Master Time Templates
(calendar & scheduling)
  text goes here...  
Think of a time template as a cookie cutter for the actual time objects. Once a template is setup, you may use it over and over again.
3.9 - Flex Grid Tie-Ins
(custom data fields)
  text goes here...  
Our world is made up of tons of one-to-many relationships. The business world is set up in the same way.