Add/Edit Flex Grid Tie-In
This is the main add/edit flex grid tie-in page. Each piece of flex grid is a single record or what we call a "piece of the flex grid". Each piece is kinda like a new assignment or piece of information that gets applied in the main flex grid application. Think of a giant virtual buddy system and this is how you make the assignments. Any number of pieces may be added as needed. Each piece gets applied to the main application type (main id number or main player) where it gets started. This is what we call the assignment. The add process is a two-step process.
Add Mode Step 1 - If the main id number is known, choose a main application type (system player type) and enter the correct main tie-in id number (player name or number). For beginners, we actually recommend that you skip this step by going to the printable item page or the item detail page for the item in question. From that page you may add the flex grid tie-in with nothing more than a single click. If you add the flex grid tie-in from the printable page or detail page of the item in question, both the main application type and the main id number will be passed in behind the scenes. That makes it much easier. If you want to see a small table of what the main application players are and where to go to find them, see this link. As a note, you must be logged in to view the table with the details. Add/Edit Mode Step 2 - Use the form to fill out the correct information, details, additional tie-ins, and general information. The following is a list of all of fields and their requirements: 1. Flex Grid Tie-In Id - This is an auto generated number that is controlled behind the scenes. This is the flex grid tie-in line item key id number. Think of this value as the "assignment id" number. This relates to part of the buddy system. The value will be "new" in add mode and an actual number in edit mode. 2. Application Type - This will be one of twelve (12) different main application types or system player types. The possible application types are: deposits, invoices, PO's, expense/receipts, user-maintained balance sheet items, stock/units, customers, vendors, employees, part numbers, elements of time, or quotes. This field deals with what the flex grid tie-in piece (this item or this assignment) is tied to. 3. Main Id Number - This is the key id or main id number of the main application type selected (player id number). Use the drill-down link to view the main item details. For example: Invoice # 334 would have a main id of 334 (the actual player id number). 4. Description - This is a quick and dirty description of what the main tie-in is and/or contains (player info). 5. Sub Deposit - Required. This is a sub deposit number tie-in field (buddy id number). If a real deposit number is entered, the application will provide a link or tie-in to that deposit (makes a link to that buddy). The default is 0 which means no sub tie-in is needed. All 12 of the sub tie-in fields have similar logic (sub buddy tie-ins). Use 0 to tell the application that no sub tie-in or relationship needs to be established. 6. Sub Invoice - Required. This is the sub invoice number tie-in field (buddy id). The default is 0 or no additional tie-in needed. 7. Sub PO - Required. This is the sub PO number tie-in field (buddy id). The default is 0 or no additional tie-in needed. 8. Sub Expense/Receipt - Required. This is the sub expense/receipt number tie-in field (buddy id). The default is 0 or no additional tie-in needed. 9. Sub Balance Sheet Item - Required. This is the sub user-maintained balance sheet item number tie-in field (buddy id). The default is 0 or no additional tie-in needed. 10. Sub Stock/Unit - Required. This is the sub stock/unit number tie-in field (buddy id). The default is 0 or no additional tie-in needed. 11. Sub Customer Id - Required. This is the sub customer id number tie-in field (buddy id). The default is 0 or no additional tie-in needed. 12. Sub Vendor/Payee Id - Required. This is the sub vendor/payee id number tie-in field (buddy id). The default is 0 or no additional tie-in needed. 13. Sub Employee/User Id - Required. This is the sub employee/user id number tie-in field (buddy id). The default is 0 or no additional tie-in needed. 14. Sub Part Id - Required. This is the sub part id number tie-in field (buddy id). The default is 0 or no additional tie-in needed. 15. Sub Elements Of Time Id - Required. This is the sub elements of time id number tie-in field (buddy id). The default is 0 or no additional tie-in needed. 16. Sub Quote Number - Required. This is the sub quote number tie-in field (buddy id). The default is 0 or no additional tie-in needed. 17 - 31. Custom "Other" Dynamic Tie-In Fields - Optional. There could be from 1 to 30 custom fields with custom naming. These fields are controlled on a per corporation basis. Each of the 30 fields may contain up to 100 characters worth of data. Both alpha and numeric values are allowed. In the background, each field has a generic name and value (1 - 30). However, your corporation may choose to name the different fields with custom names or field aliases. This is part of the flexibility of the flex grid tie-in application. See this help file for more information about setting up the custom fields. As a note, the person who sets up the custom fields must have the admin permission over the flex grid tie-in application. 32. Relationship Type - Required. Choose an option from the list provided. If you choose the type of "Other", the other relationship text will be required. See below. 33. Other Relationship Type - Optional. This field is left blank by default. It is only required if the main relation type is set to type "Other" in the drop-down list above. This is where you tell the system what the other relationship type is. There is a max of 100 chars. 34. Location - Required. Choose from the list provided. This helps tie the flex grid line item to a location. 35. General Tie-In Date - Required. This is the date the tie-in was made or the date the action was performed. Use the m/d/yy format for all dates. This value will show up on all printable flex grid reports. This is also how the system knows what date to pull for the application history reports. 36. General Tie-In Amount - Required. This is a dollar amount that is allowed for each line item. The default is 0.00. 37. General Tie-In Barcode - Optional. This is were you are able to add a barcode value if needed. The default is blank. There is a max of 50 chars. If you do use the barcode field, the system makes it really easy to search any barcode values from inside the system. If used, a new link will appear that will help take the barcode information over to the barcode generator page (label maker). See this help file for more info about searching for barcodes. 38. Visible Status - Required. Choose an option from the list provided. The default value is "Visible/Show". This means that the flex grid tie-in line item will appear as part of the printable main item. The other option is "Transparent". This option creates the same tie-in (assignment) but will keep the line item (assignment) hidden from the printable main item. The only way to see this line item (assignment) is via a special standalone flex grid tie-in link on the top of the main item (show all assignments). Basically, this is a way to hide or keep flex grid tie-in items for internal use only. This could be sensitive information or have some other reason to keep things from printing along with the main item. 39. Basic/Admin Status - Required. Choose an option from the list provided. The default value is "Basic". This will allow all other users, who have permission, to view the main (assignment info) and have the ability to see the flex grid tie-in line item. The other option is "Admin Only". This option will only allow users who have the admin permission levels for the main tie-in (main player) to view this flex grid tie-in line item (assignment). This admin only setting is even more secure than the transparent option in the visible status above. 40. Notes - Optional. This is a general notes field for the flex grid tie-in line item (general assignment notes). The max is 255 characters and is fully searchable through the main flex grid homepage search form. 41. Tie-In Status - Required. This will only show up in edit mode. This is where you choose active/use or inactive/don't use for each line item (assignment status). In the edit mode, there will be a line item history section that will show up at the bottom of the page. This history section will show changes and provide the audit trail for the flex grid tie-in line item. |